Thou shalt eat these to stay young!

AH! Tempted already huh! Yes, even some foods have the power to keep you young forever. You must know them, consume them. Most of these foods are found around us and neglected often. Some of these are mocked at for being ‘green’ or ‘eco-friendly’, others are dismissed as ‘calorie gain foods’.These foods contain ingredients that are conducive to your general well-being. Lets take a look:

Green veggies: However boring they may look, sound or taste, the fact remains they are responsible to keep you from ageing. Spinach has the ability to boost the immunity of your body. Even other leafy foods like kale and collard have folate which is vital in preventing DNA and blood vessel damage. As a result, diseases like dementia, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and kidney diseases are at bay.

Soyabean: Another age boon for all of us is Soya found in almost every other household. Soya products like tofu are a great source of protein and they are better than meat or fish because they have less fat. If you include soy products in your diets, you reduce the risk of blood pressure and heart attack. The reason why Japanese have a longer life span is because tofu is an integral part of their daily diets.

Yogurt: Good bacteria boost our immune system, increase our antibodies so that our body is better equipped to fight against pathogens. A vital part of age-related problems is intestinal diseases which are prevented considerably if one includes yogurt in one’s daily diets.

Green tea: If instead of the desi chai, you embrace the relaxing Green tea, you can be healthy while also enjoying a great drink. It is believed that green tea is beneficial in controlling blood pressure, it reduces blood sugar, has a role in boosting the immune system and lowers cholesterol. Recent studies are also showing that green tea can be wonderful in preventing cancer too.

Dark chocolate: While a lot of people would dismiss dark chocolate on the grounds of sugar and caloric food, this tempting thing can help fight the signs of ageing considerably. That is because it has cocoa which has antioxidants called Flavinoids. These have a crucial role in preserving a healthy function of the blood vessels. A great blood circulation ensures prevention of diseases like kidney failure, high blood pressure, type II diabetes and dementia. But the line of caution is to use this health blessing sparingly.

Red wine: Guess what red wine has? Well antioxidants like polyphenol apart from minerals and resveratrol. And what do they do? They bestow a great blood circulation, provide good cholestral levels to the body and prevent blood clotting. Women going through menopause can also be greatly benefitted through resveratrol found in red wine as it reduces the risks of breast cancer and osteoporosis – diseases caused due to decreased oestrogen levels.   However, you cannot overdo the red wine. Keep it minimal.

Water: Why do you think water is the biggest beauty tip of today? That’s because it keeps the fluids in the body active that prevent dehydration and fatigue. Water can keep you active, it is great for skin as it needs fluids too in order to look fresh and glowing. Women who drink lots of water in a day have a very younger looking skin.

None of these foods is a rare commodity. Most of these can be found in every other household. The key is to include them more and more in your diets. Instead of junk food, if we opt for any of the above foods, we can be healthier and shall live longer.

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